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来源: 作者: 发布日期:2022-07-15 浏览次数:

   日期:2024-08-31     移动:http://gzhdwind.xhstdz.com/quote/3124.html


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4. 主要学术成果










(9) 主持完成中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(A020210211),2015.01-2015.12





(1)Li J, Ren J, Lei X, Fan W, Tang L, Zhang Q, Bao Z, Zhou W, Bai J, Zhang Y, Gong C. (2024) CsREV-CsTCP4-CsVND7 module shapes xylem patterns differentially between stem and leaf to enhance tea plant tolerance to drought.  Cell Reports  43: 113987(唯一通讯)

(2)Lei Tang, Luodan Xiao, Enxiang Chen, Xingyu Lei, Jiejie Ren, Yajun Yang, Bin Xiao, Chunmei Gong. (2023) Magnesium transporter CsMGT10 of tea plants plays a key role in chlorosis leaf vein greening.  Plant Physiol. Biochem.  201: 107842(共同通讯)

(3)Zhang Y, Liu S, Huang X, Zi H, Gao T, Ji R, Sheng J, Zhi D, Zhang Y, Gong C, Yang Y.(2023)Altitude as a key environmental factor shaping microbial communities of tea green leafhoppers ( Matsumurasca onukii ).  Microbiol. Spectr.  11: e0100923(共同通讯)

(4)Li JY, Ren JJ, Zhang TX, Cui JH, Gong CM. (2022) CkREV Enhances the Drought Resistance of  Caragana korshinskii through Regulating the expression of Auxin Synthetase Gene CkYUC5.  Int. J. Mol. Sci.  23:5902(唯一通讯)

(5)Guo S,Wang Q,Tang L,Zhang T,Li J,Xiao Y,Gao Y,Bai Juan,Xiao B,Gong C. (2022) Inoculation with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Reinforces Tea Plant's Tolerance to Salinity.  J. Plant Growth Regul.  41:3498-3517(唯一通讯)

(6)Jiayang Li, Lifang Xie, Jiejie Ren, Tianxin Zhang, Jinhao Cui, Zhulatai Bao, Wenfei Zhou, Juan Bai, Chunmei Gong. (2022) CkREV regulates xylem vessel development in  Caragana korshinskii  in response to drought.  Front. Plant Sci.  13:982853(唯一通讯)

(7)Liu F, Zhang P, Li J, Zhang T, Xie L, Gong C. (2022) miR2119, a Novel Transcriptional Regulator, plays a Positive Role in Woody Plant Drought Tolerance by Mediating the Degradation of the CkBI-1 Gene Associated with Apoptosis.  Int. J. Mol. Sci.  23:6306(唯一通讯)

(8)Hu W, Ran J, Dong L, Du Q, Ji M, Yao S, Sun Y, Gong C, Hou Q, Gong H, Chen R, Lu J, Xie S, Wang Z, Huang H, Li X, Xiong J, Xia R, Wei M, Zhao D, Zhang Y, Li J, Yang H, Wang X, Deng Y, Sun Y, Li H, Zhang L, Chu Q, Li X, Aqeel M, Manan A, Akram MA, Liu X, Li R, Li F, Hou C, Liu J, He JS, An L, Bardgett RD, Schmid B, Deng J. (2021) Aridity-driven shift in biodiversity-soil multifunctionality relationships.  Nature Communications  12:5350

(9) Gong C, Shi C, Ding X, Liu C, Li J. (2020) Hydrogen sulfide induces Ca2+ signal in guard cells by regulating reactive oxygen species accumulation.  Plant Signaling & Behavior.  15(11):1805228(第一作者)

(10) Bao Z, Bai J, Cui H,Gong C. (2019) A Missing link in Radial Ion Transport: Ion Transporters in the Endodermis.  Front. Plant Sci.  10:713-720(共同通讯)

(11)Liu F, Xie L, Yao Z, Zhou Y, Zhou W, Wang J, Sun Y,Gong C. (2019)  Caragana korshinskii  phenylalanine ammonialyase is up-regulated in the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway in response to drought stress.  Biotechnol. Biotec. Eq.  33: 842-854(唯一通讯)

(12)Bai J, Tai Kang, Hongdou Wu, Baiyan Lu, Xiaogang Long, Xinjuan Luo, Yanyu Zhang, Yulu Zhou, Gong CM. (2017) Relative contribution of photorespiration and antioxidative mechanisms in  Caragana korshinskii under drought conditions across the Loess Plateau.  Functional Plant Biology  44: 1111-1123(共同通讯)

(13)Gong CM, Bai J, Wang JH, et al.(2016)Carbon Storage Patterns of  Caragana korshinskii in Areas of Reduced Environmental Moisture on the Loess Plateau, China.  Scientific Reports  6: 28883(第一且通讯)

(14)Ning PB, Wang JH, Zhou YL, Gao LF, Wang J,Gong CM. (2016) Adaptional evolution of trichome in  Caragana korshinskii to natural drought stress on the Loess Plateau, China.  Ecology and Evolution  6: 3786-3795(唯一通讯)

(15)Gong CM, Wang J, Hu C, et al.(2015)Interactive response of photosynthetic characteristics in  Haloxylon ammodendron and  Hedysarum scoparium exposed to soil water and air vapor pressure deficits.  J. Environ. Sci.  34:184-196(第一且通讯)

(16)Wang JJ, Hu CX, Bai J, Gong CM. (2015) Carbon sequestration of mature black locust stands on the Loess Plateau, China.  Plant Soil and Environ.  61: 116-121(唯一通讯)

(17)Gong CM, Bai J, Deng JM et al. (2011) Leaf anatomy and photosynthetic carbon metabolic characteristics in Phragmites communis in different soil water availability.  Plant Ecology  212: 675-687(第一作者)

(18)Ning P, Gong C, Zhang Y et al.(2010)La, Ce, Pr ,Nd and Sm Cconcentrations in Pu'er tea of Yunnan. J. Rare Earths 21: 636-640(并一作者)

(19)Ning P, Gong C, Zhang Y et al.(2010)Analysis of rare earth elements in Pu'er tea of Yunnan by ICP-AES.  Spectrosc. Spect. Anal . 25: 2830-2833(并一作者)

(20)唐磊,肖罗丹,黄伊凡,肖斌,龚春梅*.(2021)茶树CsMGTs 基因的克隆及其镁转运功能分析.  茶叶科学 41:761-776


(1)一种快速高效的DNA 5’侧翼序列克隆方法,专利号:ZL 2022 1 0033141.8(国家发明专利)


5. 联系方式

通讯地址:陕西省杨凌示范区邰城路3号 西北农林科技大学 园艺学院


E-mail: gcm228@nwafu.edu.cn

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